Dear Influential Individual, Firstly We are delighted that your life’s journey has led you to discover our organization. To add, maybe you have met one of our members in the flesh. Or perhaps not; we value anonymity. Moreso we see and know all just as a shepherd sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat to the survival of the human species. Additionally, we are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species. To conclude we are the Pyramid, the Light, the Eye, the Eternal Circle. We are the Illuminati.

To begin, It Is Amazingly unique, the Illuminati Talisman is a symbol of humanity's highest purpose. Furthermore, Elite individuals of all types wear the Talisman as a mark of prestige and overall unity of the human species. In conclusion the Illuminati is one of the best ways of getting rich and fame.
Instant Benefit for New Members
Get this benefit today as our newest member
Firstly, A Cash Reward (welcome ransom) of $99,000,000 USD
Secondly, A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $500,000 USD
Thirdly, A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice (USA)or any
Fourthly, One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. (were you have all ways dreamt to visit)
Moreso, One year Golf Membership package
Moreover, A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
Furthermore, A total Lifestyle change
In addition, Access to all Superstars and Mega super stars in the world
To an extend, A international bank account created by the USA international globalism (you will be able to use this account in all banks in the world and any part of the world aswell)
Also, Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into your bank account every month
Additionally, A very powerful talisman and supremacy ring (offered to you for magical and protective purposes)
Overall, your illuminati membership ID which has various accessories and advantages worldwide
In conclusion, a green card given by the USA government (making you a full citizen of America) authorize by the worldwide illuminati organization, We are the Illuminati Brotherhood.

Firstly, since our origination, Illuminati members have dedicated themselves to the advancement of the human species by taking oaths of commitment. Secondly,, these pledges are a core tradition of the Illuminati, formed as written contracts between a single person and all members of humanity. Furthermore, the first pledge of the Illuminati is called the Eternal Oath. In conclusion, the illuminati is one of the Olders religion.
Illuminati brotherhood
To start, Millions of people from all walks of life have engaged in the global work of the Illuminati for the betterment of the human species.
In addition, renouncing all divisions of religious, geographic, or political belief, followers of Illuminati strive to form a planet where all human beings, everywhere, can live abundantly.
In conclusion, the illuminati brotherhood is here for you.

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